
  • 202 D St San Rafael, CA, 94901, USA - Gerstle Park
    There needs to be electronic X-ing signs for the crosswalks at (1) San Rafael Ave and D Street (2) Antonette Ave and D Street. Distracted drivers are speeding down D Street from Wolf Grade, not paying attention to pedestrians trying to cross.
  • 622-698 B St San Rafael, CA, 94901, USA - San Rafael
    Very few drivers notice this cross walk because the paint has faded. In addition, school buses park in front of the community center which blocks the view of pedestrians trying to cross and there's limited visibility when exiting Safeway parking lot. Most importantly, students use this crosswalk to and from school. Can you re-paint cross walk or add an electronic X-ing sign?
  • 2nd St & Lincoln Ave San Rafael, CA, 94901, USA - San Rafael
    Traffic is nightmare on 2nd St during morning and afternoon rush hour and will only get worse with the high density apartments being developed in downtown over the next few years. It should not take 30 minutes to travel 2 miles (Gerstle Park to SRHS), this is unacceptable. The city needs to do a better job in finding solutions to mitigate traffic now and for the future. This all started when the smart train came to town and the city decided to turn W. Francisco Blvd into a one way street. Have you considered altering the smart train schedule during rush hour since its empty half the time anyways?
  • 289 Woodland Ave San Rafael, CA, 94901, USA - San Rafael
    Please put illegal dumping signs along this area due to constant illegal dumping. The neighborhood and middle school are fed up!
  • 289 Woodland Ave San Rafael, CA, 94901, USA - San Rafael
    Desk illegally dumped
  • Rice Dr San Rafael, CA, 94901, USA - San Rafael
    Hello - There is homeless debris and its been growing over the last few weeks. Thanks in advance for cleaning this up!
  • 305-329 Woodland Ave San Rafael, CA, 94901, USA - San Rafael
    Hi. This block is a constant hot spot for illegal dumping. As of yesterday there was a bunch of office furniture abandoned. Why can’t the city put up cameras to catch these people?
  • 1515 2nd St San Rafael, CA, 94901, USA - Gerstle Park

    Hello! I live in Gerstle Park and take E street home from 3rd st. There have been multiple times where I’ve almost t-boned cars making a left (across a double yellow) leaving the car wash and employees not crossing at the crosswalk. It’s only a matter of time until an accident occurs. Can you enforce a right turn only out of the car wash?

    Also, you cannot see cars coming out of the car wash since they’re is a legal parking spot on e street and 2nd which blocks the view of cars exiting.

    Anything you can do to make it safer would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks you!